Managing the Compare Page

The Compare page allows your customers to view and compare multiple products side by side, helping them make informed purchasing decisions. This guide will walk you through setting up, customizing, and managing your Compare page effectively.

Automatic Compare Page Creation

When you first install the WCBoost – Products Compare plugin, a Compare page is automatically created for you. This page is set up as a static page with a simple shortcode as its content:


This shortcode generates a comparison table that displays selected products side by side, forming the core functionality of your Compare Page.

Manually Creating the Compare Page

If you need to recreate the Compare Page or prefer to set it up manually, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Pages > Add New.
  2. Give your page a title (e.g., “Compare Products”).
  3. In the page content area, add the following shortcode:
  1. Publish the page.

You can add additional content around the shortcode to customize the page’s appearance or provide instructions to your customers.

Assigning the Compare Page

To ensure your WooCommerce store recognizes the correct Compare Page, you need to assign the compare page in WooCommerce settings.

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Products from your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to the Products Compare section and find the setting Compare Page.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select the page you’ve created as your Compare page.
  4. Save the changes.

This step is crucial for the proper functioning of comparison links and buttons throughout your store.

Customizing Comparison Fields

The [wcboost_compare] shortcode supports a fields attribute, allowing you to specify which product details should be compared. To customize the comparison fields:

  1. Edit your Compare Page.
  2. Modify the shortcode to include the fields attribute:
   [wcboost_compare fields="field1,field2,field3"]

Replace field1,field2,field3 with the desired comparison fields. Common fields include:

  • rating
  • price
  • stock
  • sku
  • dimensions
  • weight
  • add-to-cart

For example:

[wcboost_compare fields="rating,price,stock,sku,dimensions,weight,add-to-cart"]

Adding Product Attributes for Comparison

To include product attributes in your comparison table, you can use the prefix attribute: before the attribute slug and add it to your fields list in the shortcode.

    For example, to compare the “color” and “size” attributes:

    [wcboost_compare fields="rating,price,attribute:color,attribute:size,add-to-cart"]

    To find an attribute’s slug:

    1. Go to Products > Attributes in your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Look for the Slug column next to each attribute.

    Advanced Shortcode Usage

    You can combine multiple fields and attributes to create a comprehensive comparison table. Here’s an example of an advanced shortcode:

    [wcboost_compare fields="rating,price,stock,sku,dimensions,weight,attribute:color,attribute:size,attribute:material,add-to-cart"]

    Best practices for field selection:

    • Include the most important product features for your customers.
    • Avoid overwhelming users with too many fields.
    • Ensure selected attributes are relevant to most of your products.


    Common issues and solutions:

    • Compare Page not showing: Ensure the correct page is selected in WooCommerce > Settings > Products.
    • Fields not displaying: Check that field names are spelled correctly and separated by commas without spaces.
    • Attributes not showing: Verify that you’re using the correct attribute slug and the attribute: prefix.


    Managing your Compare Page effectively can significantly enhance your customers’ shopping experience. By customizing the comparison fields and including relevant product attributes, you provide valuable information that helps customers make informed decisions.

    Remember to regularly review and update your Compare Page settings to ensure they align with your current product offerings and customer needs. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.