Products Compare Bar

The Products Compare Bar is a feature of the WCBoost – Products Compare plugin that your customers preview and compare products on your online store with ease. This tool displays a sticky panel at the bottom of your web pages, showing products in the customer’s compare list along with two essential buttons: “Compare Now” and “Clear List”.

Enable the Products Compare Bar

By default, the Products Compare Bar is disabled. You can enable it with plugin’s settings in Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Products Compare.

Configuring the “Compare” Button Action

Once enabled, you can further customize how the Compare Bar functions to best suit your store’s needs with the setting “Bar button behavior”. The “Compare” button in the Products Compare Bar can be set to perform one of two actions:

  1. Open the Compare Page: Directs customers to a full-page comparison of selected products.
  2. Open the Compare Popup: Displays a popup window with the product comparison, allowing customers to stay on their current page.