Top 10 Reasons Why a Wishlist for WooCommerce is a Must-Have

Top 10 Reasons Why a Wishlist for WooCommerce is a Must-Have - top 10 reasons why a wishlist for woocommerce is a must have

A wishlist is a must-have feature for any WooCommerce store. It allows your customers to save their favorite products for later, so they can find and purchase them when they are ready. In this post, we’ll explore 10 reasons why a wishlist for WooCommerce is a must-have feature.

What is a Wishlist in WooCommerce?

A WooCommerce wishlist is a feature that allows customers to save products they like on an online store. It is similar to the shopping cart, but instead of holding items for immediate purchase, it saves them for later. Customers can add products to their wishlist while browsing the store and come back to them at any time.

How Wishlists Influence Consumer Behavior

To understand why wishlists are so effective, we need to dive into consumer psychology. When visitors browse online stores, they often come across products they like but aren’t ready to buy them on their first visit. If your store doesn’t have the add-to-wishlist button, customers may forget about products or can’t find them again.

Studies show that wishlists can affect how customers make decisions to buy products in several ways:

  • Sense of ownership: When a customer adds a product to their wishlist, they start to feel like they already own it in some way. This feeling can make them more likely to buy the product later.
  • More time to decide: Wishlists give customers the ability to save products they like without having to buy them right away. This takes away the pressure of making a quick decision and allows them to think about the purchase longer.
  • Building excitement: Having products saved on a wishlist can create a sense of excitement and anticipation for the customer. Some studies even suggest that this feeling can be as enjoyable as actually buying the product.

10 Reasons to Have a Wishlist for WooCommerce Stores

WCBoost - Wishlist button on the single product page - Konte theme
An example of the wishlist button on the product page – Credit: Konte WordPress theme

1. Encourage Return Visits

When customers add items to their wishlist, they are more likely to come back to your store. They might not buy the product right away, but by saving it, they show interest in it. You can use this to your advantage by sending them targeted emails or showing them ads to remind them about the product. This can make them come back to your site and buy items in their wishlist.

2. Improve User Experience

A wishlist feature improves the overall user experience of your WooCommerce store. Customers can save products they like and find them again quickly without having to search your whole site. This saves them time and makes them happy with their shopping experience. Happy customers are more likely to buy from you again and tell their friends about your store.

3. Increase Sales

A wishlist can also help increase sales on your WooCommerce store. By allowing customers to save products for later, you are essentially giving them a reason to come back to your site. When they do return, they are more likely to make a purchase, especially if you have targeted them with marketing campaigns or special offers. Additionally, customers are more likely to buy products they have saved to their wishlist, as they have already shown a clear interest in them.

4. Gather Valuable Data

Wishlists also provide valuable data about your customers’ interests and preferences. You can analyze the products your customers save in their wishlist and use this information to make your store better. You can stock more of the products they like, and create special deals for those items.

This information can help you create targeted marketing campaigns more effectively, and personalize the shopping experience for your customers.

5. Reduce Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is a common problem for online stores, but a wishlist can help you reduce it. When customers add products to their cart and then leave your site without completing their purchase, it can be frustrating for store owners.

However, if customers have the option to save products to their wishlist instead, they may be less likely to abandon their cart. This is because they can come back to their wishlist later and complete their purchase when they are ready.

6. Encourage Sharing

When customers add items to their wishlist, they might share them with their friends and family. They can do this easily by sending a link or posting it on social media. This means more people will see your products, and you might get more sales. When someone sees a product recommended by a friend, they are more likely to trust it and buy it themselves.

7. Create a Sense of Urgency

You can use wishlists to make customers feel like they need to buy a product before it runs out of stock. For example, if you show them that a product on their wishlist is in low stock, or it is on sale for a limited time, they might buy it immediately instead of waiting.

You can also send them special discounts for products on their wishlist to encourage them to buy.

8. Make Gift Shopping Easy

Wishlists also make it easier for people to shop for gifts. Customers can make a list of items they would like to get as presents and share it with others. This way, their friends and family can easily find and buy gifts they know the person wants. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as potentially more sales during gift-giving seasons.

9. Enhance Email Marketing

You can use collected data from wishlists to enhance your email marketing campaigns. Based on the products in your customers’ wishlist, you can create segments for your email list and create targeted campaigns.

By looking at the products in customers’ wishlists, you can send them emails with similar items or special deals on things they already like. This can make them more likely to open your emails and buy something from your store. This can lead to increased engagement and sales from your email marketing efforts.

10. Stay Competitive

Many online stores already have wishlist features, so adding one to your WooCommerce store can help you stay competitive. Customers expect to have this option when they shop online.

By offering a wishlist, you show your customers that you care about their experience and want to give them the features they need.

WooCommerce Wishlist Plugins

wishlist for woocommerce plugin - top 10 reasons to have
The wishlist page of WCBoost – Wishlist plugin

If you want to add a wishlist to your WooCommerce store, there are many plugins that can help you do it. One of the best options is WCBoost – Wishlist. This plugin has a lot of great features that make it easy for your customers to create and manage their wishlists.

With WCBoost – Wishlist, your customers can make their own wishlists and choose to keep them private or share them with others. They can also give their wishlists a name and description to make them more personal. The plugin lets you decide if you want to allow guests to make wishlists or only let registered customers use this feature.

Another great thing about WCBoost – Wishlist is that it works seamlessly with WooCommerce. It helps add the wishlist functionality to your store without compromising site speed. This way, it ensures a smooth user experience even on stores with large product catalogs.

Other good WooCommerce wishlist plugins are YITH WooCommerce Wishlist, TI WooCommerce Wishlist, and WooCommerce Wishlists. Each of these plugins has different features and prices, so it’s a good idea to look at all of them too.

For more information on the best WooCommerce wishlist plugins, there’re several blog posts that provide helpful lists and comparisons. For example, you can check the post WooCommerce Wishlists – Boost Sales & Customer Experience by PluginHive, which offers a comprehensive overview of the top wishlist plugins and their features. It may help you get a better idea of which plugin might be the best fit for your store’s needs.


In conclusion, a wishlist is a great feature to have on your WooCommerce store. It encourages return visits, improves user experience, increases sales, gathers valuable data, reduces cart abandonment, encourages sharing, creates urgency, simplifies gift-giving, enhances email marketing, and helps you stay competitive.

If you don’t have a wishlist on your store yet, now is a good time to add one. You can use a plugin like WCBoost – Wishlist to easily add this wishlist feature to your WooCommerce store. Once you have a wishlist, you can start enjoying all the benefits it brings to your store and your customers.

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