Lost password

When you make your first purchase on our website, an account is automatically created for you. You’ll receive a confirmation email containing an auto-generated password.

If you didn’t receive the confirmation email or misplaced the password, don’t worry! Follow these steps to reset your password:

  1. Access the Login Page: Visit the My Account page and you will see the login form. You can also find the login link at the top of the website.
  2. Lost Password link: On the login page, look for the “Lost your password?” link. Click on it to view the form to reset your password.
  3. Provide Your Email: You’ll be prompted to enter the email address associated with your account. It is the email you used during your first purchase.
  4. Reset Your Password: Check your inbox for an email that contains the link to reset your password. Follow the instructions in that email to set a new password. Make sure to choose a strong, memorable password.
  5. Log In: Return to the login page and use your new password to log in.

Remember to keep your password secure and avoid sharing it with anyone. If you encounter any issues during this process, please contact our support team.